jeudi 15 août 2013

Awa Ndao, "Animatrice" La Lumière

Awa Ndao is a technical officer—Animatrice—from the NGO La Lumière, implementing partner of Oxfam for the R4 project.
She has a long experience in field animation, especially in organizing Saving for Change groups in rural areas.

And she has been incredibly helpful with me! She drove me around all the villages of the Koussanar area, where the R4 pilot is being implemented, behind her motorbike.

And as the rainy seasons had started, it was not always easy...

She was also great in helping me communicate with the groups I was interviewing. She speaks perfectly French, Wolof, Mandingue and Pulaar, all the languages of the region. And more than anything, she was able to translate the complex conceptual questions of a Frenchie from Harvard into concrete and understandable notions!

And Awa also has a 1-year marvelously cute little kid, Fodé

Thanks again Awa!!

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